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Select Board Meeting Agenda 8/19/13
Monday, August 19, 2013
Meeting starts at 9am
(Please call 528.1443 x111 to be placed on the agenda)

9 – 9:30am: Police Dept Update:
*Transfer Stickers – using address instead of license plate #’s

9:30 – 10am: Fire Chief
*Detailed clarification of all general expenses with copies of entire bills
*Detailed rundown of what the rent covers that is paid by the town
*does this include set up fees for meetings and elections.
*Discuss training and calls being separated out into 2 line items
*Review average of calls (and their types) for the last 4 years and the average cost of a call for the last year.
*Discuss the real estate exemption for retired firemen and amending it.~ Town Counsel recommends cleaning it up.
*The Board reviewed the comments in the ATM minutes from 2004 (article 14) it was noted that the town wanted the Board and Fire Company to write a clear policy/bylaw regarding out of control, unpermitted brush fires.~ Follow-up/Action?

10am – end of meeting: Administrative
Approve 8.12.13 minutes
Sign payables warrants
Review mail
Administrative items; write correspondence, review mail, review weekly employee reports, etc.
  • MOU’s and/or contracts –Review Attorney Collins’ opinion
  • Town Beach: Review response from counsel
  • Review FY15 Transfer Sticker policy
  • MMA Annual Trade Show/Meeting – waiting on agenda to be released prior to signing up the Executive Secretary
  • Follow up with Town Clerk on requests made to B. Swann and L. Thorpe for return of town software and documents
ECAC Items:
  • Recommendation: Gradually condensing the warrant – review samples and continue discussions after town meeting
  • Grievances and disciplinary procedures/policies (amend?)
  • PPO options
FY15 ATM Warrant Items:
  • Amend/Clean up Firemen Property Tax Exemption bylaw
  • Break out firemen call pay and firemen education pay into 2 separate line items
  • Sylvan Rd paving – add to budget

9:30 - 10am
Finance Comm – Review Actuarial Study Report
All Day
Town Hall Closed Labor Day; no meetings
9 – 10am
*meet candidates for open position
*Abandoning/decommissioning roads
All Day
Town Hall Closed Columbus Day; no meetings
All Day
Town Hall Closed Veteran’s Day; no meetings
All Day
Town Hall Closed Thanksgiving Day; no meetings
All Day
Town Hall Closed Christmas Day; no meetings

***All agendas are subject to change***
  • Items requiring extensive discussion or prior research should be placed on a future agenda so that the issue receives the appropriate attention.
  • Please leave the room if you need to converse with other members of the audience.
  • If you wish to speak during the meeting, please raise your hand in order to be recognized by the Chairman.  Please state your name for the record before you begin to speak on an issue.
  • Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 39 § 23C:  Regulation of participation by public in open meetings.  No person shall address a public meeting of a governmental body without permission of the presiding officer at such meeting, and all persons shall, at the request of such presiding officer, be silent. If, after warning from the presiding officer, a person persists in disorderly behavior, said officer may order him/her to withdraw from the meeting, and, if he/she does not withdraw, may order an officer.